How long does it take to learn to play the flute?

One of the questions most frequently asked by beginner flute players and those contemplating learning any instrument, is ‘how long does it take?’

It might be easy to simply answer with a timeframe – six months, a year, ten years…

The fact is, every student will have different goals and different motivations for learning.  How long it takes for one student to feel they have succeeded in learning to play the flute will depend on the level of playing they wish to achieve, and what purpose they wish to fulfill.  One student might simply want to be able to play some simple tunes for their own enjoyment or to play with a school or community band, while other students might want to make a career out of playing flute.  Some might want to play for a couple of years, and others for a lifetime. 

How long it takes is entirely individual. 

Learning to play a musical instrument might come more readily to one person than another.  Some students might have some prior musical knowledge that will enhance their speed of learning.  Each individual is gifted with certain innate abilities and talents, and even within their musical education, some students may naturally excel in pitch while others may excel with rhythm.  What I have observed is that a student who is committed to regularly practicing and honing their skills, guided and supported by encouraging and knowledgeable teachers, can within a few months feel confident playing simple tunes. 

The Fluted™ Beginner Flute Quickstart Course is designed to give the true beginners the necessary skills required to confidently handle their flute and play some simple 3-note tunes.  The course can be completed within just a couple of weeks, but is really just the beginning of what might be a lifetime of flute playing.  The wonderful thing about music is there is always something new to learn.  Even the top performers constantly hone their craft and learn from each experience and each interaction with fellow musicians.  They may never feel they have made it ‘there’.

 So, how long does it take to learn to play the flute?  A few weeks, or a lifetime?

 The real answer – how long is a piece of string?


5 tips for choosing a new flute